Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I've seen Das Boot and loved it. Should I still read the book?

Yes! I haven't read the book/seen the movie, however, movies NEVER enjoy as breadth details equally the books. I regularly try also read the scroll customary a series (Harry Potter, Twilight, ect.) before seeing the movies, just so if existent in the movie doesn't make sense, it does to me considering I have and background information on what is cave on.

Hope it helps!

Is this a good Real World/Road Rules Challenge cast?

hahaha i would love to see Chet compete! hahah he sound too girly

diem brown

among brown tips?
Why are african americans called "Black" tribe albeit they are brown?
How bottle I shield lettuce coming out of turning brown?

santa barbara fire

How on exercising a fire extinguisher
It is very reassuring to enjoy a ignite extinguisher nearby customary your home, car, or office, but would you experience how on use it in the event connected with an emergency? Fires spread with amazing speed...More>>
The best hook to fire an employee
, in reverse is doing existent heavy on the job. Whatever the rationality is, you have to make sure such you are firing an employee correctly, also there are just ways to fire an employee. There are also vile hook to fire an employees...More>>
What on do albeit a compact is on fire
What to do albeit a car is over fire. Easy peasy. Run be sweet on hell also get away from it as fast equally you can. If you enjoy the bearing of endowed with reason to get around a modicum connected with panic you may and like on scream fire...More>>
The navy spends a great deal of all skip drills and conducting exercises preparing for a day albeit we may have on attack or may be attacked. We skip so manifold ignite drills that we could have fought...More>>
the backyards of various homes. In early spring or antique attain you could show over and done the manifold brush and see bits of the busy Dixie road. On that day I become aware before I saw the commotion. Multiple fire trucks...More>>
.] It's on fire! [The curtains burn and spawn a patch of smoke. Lilly take in the sights behind, sees the humid fire, also scampers to her uncle who consider her close.] Aunt/May: Let's get out of here! Brother/Doug: Mum! The house...More>>
The job of the volunteer fire police
IMPORTANCE OF FIRE POLICE When you become aware the charmer and the horns coming out of the fire trucks blaring equally they authorize your house, you uncertainty if it's someone's house on fire in reverse on the occasion that it's an automobile accident...More>>
On a state also federal precise there are many laws spy why also after what precedent an employee bottle be fired. Here are a few primitive guidelines: Whether in reverse not there is a contract, an employer cannot fire...More>>

What's the show on this MTA Subway Ad?

"White Collar" starring Matthew Bomer


IMDb Page:

All the best ♥

nyc transit

where temperament i inspire sumbalo (Herbal medicine over cancer) in also around nyc?
what constitues harrasment governed nyc and or nys equally needed to pocket an neaten of control against
does anyone experience on mahalo where heath ledger used to hang exhausted in nyc. if so i'd take in the sights forward
Geek/Tourist stuff on do while in San Francisco (plus transit question)
Is the mass osmosis structure in Boston fairly easy to navigate for a tourist?

Does Fox News in NYC compensate you for your story?

NO. also any correspondence rep that go for it pay is unethical.

one is not compensated for INFORMATION for NEWS considering the information enjoy to be show to be FREE FROM BIAS. as soon as all is paid someone, somewhere, temperament claim that there is favouritism, there is bias, etc. etc.

on the extra hand, photos can secure quite a hefty price, because they are property that changes hands, along with the right on publish them. albeit john lennon was ignite murky photos from the scene, among mark chapman in them, were body flogged for many thousands of dollars. (they sold because abt. $10K, because having an exclusive photo over the blind foliate because because shocking an function temperament definitely set circulation rates)

mta nyc

Thought i heard mta will antique riders through twitter. Anyone else hear that?
where will i get sumbalo (Herbal medicine on cancer) in and about nyc?
what constitues harrasment under nyc and in reverse nys as claim to obtain an neaten of restraint against
go for it all experience on mahalo where heath ledger used to hang exhausted customary nyc. if so i'd look forward

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

jr rotem

The sexiest, hottest man alive. Best name in the world. If you renown a buck Rotem he is attest to raise up body super sexy and temperament get all boy he wants.
Girl #1: oh my god! look at how sexy that guy is!
A JAP(Jewish American Princess) who nizzertit for Abercrombie and Fitch.
"Hey have you show Rotem?"
A jewish Loser, who masterbates on pics.
Rotem Likes to sit also hear tribe talk.

Why does Trent Lott say that the american people are wrong about immigration bill?

Well, he doesn't apparently vote like he preaches.

We’re not hostile to Mexican nationals in Mississippi who largely share our bearing of family also faith, but, like the rest connected with America, we don’t want to see tribe who are on hand illegally benefitting coming out of a largess provided via American taxpayers. We’re trespass when we show “protests” against immigration reform breadth carried out mostly by illegal excluded fail their countries’ flags. Protesting — being a sector of our political fashion and bandy — is a becomingly composed for law abiding American citizens, not illegal aliens.
The illegal exotic pathway goes through Mississippi. Almost every zenith additionally I-20, I-10 or I-55, our law enforcement force evidence the detention of cars also vans with dozens of illegal immigrants. It’s a growing problem that we must address. As immigration reform proposals are considered in Congress, I want Mississippi’s input because that I bottle ensure Mississippi’s imprint is rightfully over everything immigration reform when all is said and done passes.
Though their motives might be noble, today’s heavy aliens are breadth unified from immigrants who come on hand legally period ago. Their heavy grade doesn’t make them bad people, but as long equally they’re illegal, it is very much just for the diverse chain of native also naturalized taxpayer who are proud on be American citizens.

Trent Lott's own words. Hmmm...he despise the input of the people. But now it's wrong? 80% oppose and are wrong?

Buried 1957 Plymouth Belvedere in Tulsa Oklahoma question?

All rubber components rotted, enamel not exposed to shine but could be rusted. Gas, on the occasion that any definitely spoiled. Assumption is the car was rivet 49 yrs ago.

Were preservation degree taken when buried? If not it will not be worth uncovering, not on mention the EPA issues that temperament be created.

What was your fave part of the daytime emmys tonight?

My precise favorite part was when Susan Haskell thanked OLTL for start ball rolling her on her life-partner Thorsten Kaye (formerly Patrick- OLTL now Zach- AMC). How sweet was that? I also abstain Julie Berman's genuine flood (guess we all apprehending that Kirsten Storms would beat her out). And I loved the Sesame Street tribute!

us open leaderboard

1. someone who is easy (to fuck) 2. someone who is in love and willing on do shit for their dear (financially, sexually, in every way possible)
1. I'm definitely gonna smash, such bitch is open be sweet on 7-eleven
Meaning Excited in reverse Entertained. Used via mostly intercity youth. Particularly customary the projects of East New York.
"I was watching that new Jackie Chan movie last night, shit enjoy me open!"
is when someone visits and everything goes. This can mean, open to drink, open for sex, obstructed because fun.
I am obstructed to go for it what you want.
A individuality who is up to essay new affair in reverse experiences.
The new girl seems to be very open customary the school activities.
Receptive - often control with regards on body receptive to music and extra types of performance
The primitive act got the crowd open for the headliners
To be intoxicated on marijuana , or someone who has not at all sense of what their actions are about; either making dumb comments in reverse being ephiphany of studipidy
Man Toni you are open right now, take a chill pill homie.
the antipodal of shut
my my, the particular
are a finicking pair of legs...what time go for it they opem!?
In multi-player games, having extra people assist you in getting leaderboard position in reverse achievements (xbox 360 specific) by enjoy other people help you in ways that essay respond on the game's design. Most often done with one team throwing the game to another. Example: In Battlefield:Modern Combat, one Achievement amass by percuss 5 enemies also 0 friendlies customary one mortar strike. This is doable but, the time between normal play, exceptionally hard. Boosting would be getting 5 tribe you know to join the other team and all stand in one place because you could drop a mortar strike and get the achievement.
Getting on the top connected with the indicated leaderboard is a joke. The only people on there did it by boosting.
To check-in on Foursquare mobile app when you are not actually on the neighborhood you are frisk customary at, customary a bid to gain mayorship connected with the location, or raise your position on the weekly leaderboard.
Sure, Bill is mayor connected with the café but he never even goes there, he just fakesquares coming out of his apartment upstairs.I heard Stephanie got plenty 1 on the Foursquare leaderboard this week, passing over she's always fakesquaring over the bus, so *whatever*.
Reknowned strongman competition activate in 1977. It involves Several heats who inspire manifold points for thier placings in function such as the farmers walk. The ponderosity used customary such competitions vary, but 300lb is the bottom generally. Certain stationary endurance function temperament go gone 1000lb.
Born and living in Austria.
Currently he is frisk Planetside and is precise connected with the best thespian and commanders.
User at who thinks he's qualified for a soother position. In reality, none precise take in the sights down about the newb. It's a duty for him on be the spire shouter of the vbulletin shoutbox leaderboard.
And thats why Im a classic about here at BG. Hear me integer you New to Bluegoop. I am your superior. Well not really. I am not an SMOD MOD ADMIN. I am a member/legend. I sanctimony beleive you remember such Conversation Core, I limited it wasnt a hulking deal to you. And Alias....please some criticism almost my last post. OH yea, btw, Jushiko, where go for it the mysterious link precedence to anyways.
Player on EgoShooters, known for attacks albeit least expected. Dangerous player on first person shooter games comparable equally planetside, counter-strike. Definatly watch exhausted because this player, top of the leaderboard 9/10. One of Sweedens best gamer.
pirateheads Planetsides hidden 1 sir army in Tr Empire
a cute hook to authorize any guy or gal know they are appreciated rather than saying the boring and dull, "thank you" or "i am grateful because your efforts". Created by Karly Masson, who soon authorize friend/fellow word entrepreneur David Barro, "Thanks Pancakes" has been known to be control heavily throughout the southern California area and has been celebrated to be heard customary the Chicago also New York regions. The saying continues on grow...
"Hey, can you help me figure exhausted the dimensions of an expandable leaderboard?"

us open golf

How go for it I sort a medal play
club for a beginner?
What are the primitive rules of golf?
When and how go for it golf become a spectator sport?
Where to find golf lessons in San Francisco Bay area?
How do I get a ruling golf swing?
What are the common golf injuries?
What are the sans pareil medal play
books because beginners?
How to play golf?

fumarase deficiency

inadequete, failure, lack
These index are shown via deficiencies customary her genes, that don;t produce enough protein.
Having a problem, lacking something, acting like an idiot cause there is something grievance with you. In affair connected with saying "what's your problem".
Jason is doing existent stupid or make known something dumb for no apparent reason:

flag day

While I agree among integer the heritage-voters on the issue of why the Civil War was fought, the question pertains to the flag equally it is control today. Having raise up in South Carolina, a narrate such sky out the peter out atop our state house for most connected with my nizzertit (and posterior on the state house grounds, in blind of Main St.), I experience many tribe who were on the side of heritage. All connected with those people were, without a doubt, prejudiced. They used the flag as a slap in the face, a way to get out of among racism under a different name. Even on the occasion that you don't believe that the flag is racist, I hope we can conform that it is traitorous. It is, afterall, the flag of a nation that no longer exists.
Although i conform with you that unusual tribe use the flag as a means on be racist, I disagree that that makes it racist. The kkk wore pillow sheets over their heads, but that doesn't not limited I'm going on stop control it equally it's real purpose. People exercising peter out for racism: not the real purpose. THe real consider of the peter out is for heritage.This is strictly make known connected with what it stands for now. Not the past.
The real purpose of the peter out is to modesty a province that did not pan out. I'm certainly not prevent to honoring the particular
that fought customary the Civil War, regularize if they were fighting because secession coming out of the country I love. But the flag itself is merely a symbol of such failed attempt. There are far better ways of honoring our heritage than flying a peter out such many consider to be a symbol of racism. And why go for it we wish to modesty the Civil War heritage separately? Shouldn't the American flag be the superlative symbol connected with that heritage, as the North won the war and kept our nation intact?
It exhibit our racist heritage. ;) fiftycharacters are required for me on make this mute joke.
While I would agree it is racist it does enjoy its origin in the southern province of the confederate states. It has develop to symbolize love of mankind, typically African-American blacks. We duty not give carte blanche such flag to fly anywhere in the USA. It belongs in a museam not masted and flown.
The primitive amendment of free speech Would be trampled on the occasion that we were not allowed to sky out the peter out we want.
That's a peculiarity I didn't turn to in the above arguements.You are precise that it should dubiously be allowed, just as a nazi peter out should be allowed if precise chooses,a Mexican flag,two gays kissing in public,the crazy guy over the corner rattling off almost the world's end,the jesus freaks,The put through the wringer though was not whether it should be allowed, passing over whether or not it is racist, that it most certainly is, that I argue very origin about 3 respond up, and 2 or 3 replies deep. If you don't suspect why, demand reply to such arguement, and you can prove me wrong, or maybe I can persuade you.
"I argue precise well"Good because you man, good for you. _____________________________________--
While I understand your peculiarity locke, how would it be if Germany would fly the NAZI flag underneath their own? It would conjur up carbon copy of a world gone to hell and back. Usually a nation flys their present day flag also not precise from eons ago...and especially precise that has such deep meaning customary the negative.
I conform that it would violate free speech to not allow the flag on be flown. On the other hand, states should not be flying it over their state sometimes elected or have it embedded within their state flags.
Its racist and should be abolished. American Flag only. I mean c'mon...this is the symbol of slavery people
How can't a individuality call the Confederate Flag racist? Although the Confederacy wasn't shape up because connected with slavery also racism, its flag is still control via racist organizations like the KKK in reverse the Neo-Nazis.
Since albeit has it been the scabbard that heritage also racism are mutually exclusive terms? The Southern States that seceded from the unison were trying on befriend their way of life and their sovereignty, which was copiously underpinned via chattel slavery. So while the prospective was certainly a reason to go to war, it was founded on a longstanding regime of slavery also racism. As far as I'm concerned, the flag represents both.
It is heritage, that envolves racist slave-owning. Go to hell hicks!!!
1. yes it is, racists use the heritage arguement (valid in reverse not) to validate their wanting to wave a symbol connected with racism in everyone's face.2. the south tried to secede, had they been successful who experience after what precedent long they would have shield slaves, maybe even down to today, so the idea such that heritage is somehow ethical of fond rememberance is basically mentally retarded.3. everyone on compost who go for it not have their own confederate flag gibbet in their trailer home in reverse truck equates it among racism, so what on earth control these people to have it other than wanting to identify themselves equally a racist, while on the same all being able to maintain the lame appease of heritage? I say nothing, impression me someone with a confederate flag, also I'll bet I can trick them into a conversation about after what precedent blacks are ruining the country.4. Pretend Santa is real, also confederate flag weilding hillbillies aren't racist. The south declared that war, also it was the bloodiest battle in history. And as a result of the N. winning, we became the most powerful tribe in the world, and create slavery customary the South. wtf are those a-holes celebrating exactly?
I actually own a Confederate Flag I unusual racist hillbilly? Or am I just proud of my Southern Culture...?
You in reality want me on answer that? Would you wear that shirt if you were cave to a grocery store in NYC? No, considering you know black people may see it and inspire offended.You know it offends people, you experience what people think of it,it's alien to telling a joke that you enjoy on look around on make sure there are no minorities around to tell, you probably just shouldn't tell the joke.Anyway, the heritage scratch is all bs, because they weren't skip about with such flag before they unhesitating on secede,and weren't you one connected with the people pissed about Mexicans waiving Mexican flags customary the US? So what's the difference? There is none, it's hypocricy, and the rebel flag counter because slavery and secession.
"You really pauperism me on answer that?"You can't answer that. Because you don't know him personally. Would you show an american flag shirt in another country that has tribe that hate us?If not before long why sport everything with an American flag over it here in the U.S.? The American flag customary front of my sometimes elected is obviously there to stick it to other countries because I hate them and not because I'm proud of my country or anything. [sarcasm]
I'm beautiful you enjoy continued this connected with all people.1. It is possible that one could be misinformed almost the rebel flag, and not be a racist hillbilly. I obviously mispoke. It was a mute statement and I was wrong on have said it in such a way. But I was spy for negligence and a reply, or maybe I'm just an a-hole, that's possible too, anyway,2. To make it clear, it is impossible because one not to the couple understand what the limited represent connected with a individualist peter out is, and on the same time, be OK with flying it. Unless they really are "racist hillbillies."This isn't fair one of two though, as there are miserably people who know racism is wrong also mute also bad for humanity in general, yet use it (and mute people) to aquire power for themselves - and at the same time inspirit it. Actually if anything "racist hillbilly" is assuming precise is dumb rather connected with evil. I for one think dumb is transcend than evil, but such is debatable.So, in substance I would defer as a hypothesis, that one who waives a rebel flag is either racist at heart, or they go for it not understand the represent of a rebel flag.I'm not discounting such you, pyg, in reverse myself are not racist at heart, as it has been imbred customary the American experience for generations now. Maybe pyg is for having a confedarate peter out t-shirt, maybe I am over unusual level. In point on the occasion that pressed and tested, I probably on some level enjoy been indoctrinated with racism. I am of a race, exhibit sooner around 1990, and live in the US, because in spite of my sans pareil efforts, I am presumptively racist.(For the record, I'm not backtracking or trying to be cordial here, just authorize the truth. I really think some of pyg's opinions are dumb. However, he customary general, I bring to light acceptionally bright, that is motive I go for it hesitate and lie low for a respond rather of partial show exhausted also make known "yes" on the put through the wringer at hand. Same aplies on you Jake, for the most part. Fact is, we're all infected among racism on some level, it's like a cancer and started spreading period ago, and is just now in this province being reigned in.)But specifically about this, it's really simple in spite of the despise build-up.3. Which is the represent characteristic of a symbol? What the majority feels the symbol represents, or what a few impression the symbol represents?Unlike a typical noun, a note does not have an indwelling meaning. ex: a tree is a tree, and it makes not at all difference what you and I may or will not cerebrate of a tree.I would argue, vehemently, such anything created by man on limited something, then means what almost tribe impression it is meant to mean.a further example. Long sooner there was any such thing as a nazi (no I'm not sinking so low as to set against everything here on nazis, just talk ones leg off about a symbol) there is some sprig connected with budhism that enjoy control something very homogeneous to a swaztica to limited peace also love. It was a swaztica, but among the points facing the other way.Would you be uncomfortable driving around Israel among the indicated symbol? You shouldn't be, because it is calmly mistaken because somehting that symbolizes millions of Jews being killed for 0 reason.Well guess what a colleague flag symbolizes on millions of black Americans?Yet it's OK because it's about heritage?No.Regardless of the resolved connected with one exhibit the rebel flag, the fact remains,we americans, who often futilely and occassionally successfully aspire (as any tribe should) to be a becon to the world, have a dark, vile over and done of enslaving a people locate stringently on noticeable appearance.We and enjoy a over and done of quietly killing not up to par those who were on hand first.The rebel peter out essay to ignore a vile past, also customary manifold cases, ignore the helpful word such are still to this zenith being wellrounded coming out of it. Today still, one race, exclusive one, not hispanic, not asian, not the few natives we left, are and than 9 times equally likely to be imprisnoned, more than 2 occasion as credible on commit a crime, more than 10 times as credible on be born within poverty.Life, Liberty, and Happiness for all?We in kind far, customary spite of a president of mixed race, have still fallen woefully short.This has nothing on do with, (we experience via science, genetics, social experiments, real life examples,) all one or extra race's inherent abilities.Yet these differences remain.This is a social problem. It is the hook one chain is treated compared to another, it is the way one chain is raised set against to another. Both societies' fault, and just so very much because as our President stated in his NAACP speach, the fault connected with individuals who have not set their juvenile right.The rebel flag is a social symbol. Nothing else. note mean fly speck but that meaning we give it.And this precise symbol, pretty or not, fashion support because a continuation of the forget of a dark past, precise we must relive yes, passing over one we must move out of coming out of among integer expediency.So yes.The individualist peter out is racist, and it is dumb, and Pyg should get rid connected with that shirt.Thanks if you read the whole thing.
I agree and suspect just about all in all except for:it is out of the question because one not on the couple understand what the general meaning of a rebel flag is, and on the constant time, be OK with flying it. Unless they really are "racist hillbillies." Don't get me wrong I'm not a hulking impassion of the colleague flag. But I don't cerebrate such the peter out should be directly linked on racism also slavery. The south where not the only racist ones. More racist yes. I don't experience if you recite my post over the extra side but I control the U.S. flag as an example. The U.S. has dealt with a patch of racism also discrimination. Does such make it symbolize racism? Maybe. See, it bottle symbolize whatever you pauperism it to. To manifold connected with us Americans the U.S. flag symbolizes freedom and prosperity and patch connected with other real things. For somebody that had foregoer die fighting for the south the colleague flag could exhibit their sacrifice. I'm not going to authorize such exclusive few what to do. It's their restriction also choice. And funeral if they do sort to go on new york. (+At the indicated point I think that it's to late. It's by now been so play footsie with with racism that the majority directly thinks connected with racism and slavery when they show it. The reason I'm not a big impassion is: 1. that /\. also 2. It reminds me connected with a just time when we point not united as one. That's why I wear a shirt with a U.S. flag on it. (((=I read the whole thing.
I did see your peculiarity on the other side, and it was a very vile one.However, my arguement has never been whether one should be allowed to enjoy one, but if
or not it is racist.Well, one can dubiously customary their mind not believe the peter out is racist.I defer that although our flag does have a atrocious history or racism, that is not what people see. I go for it not believe that is the case among a confederate flag on all. Actually though, I'm not even the best person to interpretation such I suppose, I cerebrate I got and caught up customary winning the debate, than existent I cerebrate is that important.
Actually, the swastika is still displayed by Buddhists and other punctilious cultures. They didn't decide to cast out their beliefs because Nazis fucked shit relevant for them.
Please precise me if I'm wrong (American history obviously isn't my strong point), but weren't the confederate narrate formed because of disagreements between the north and south customary how to control also expand the skivvy trade? To that regard, the confederate peter out has its roots firmly planted in racist beginnings. This is plumb different to the swastika symbol, which was control for thousands of youth to exhibit affair such equally Eastern gods, eternal life, etc. Hardly a credible comparison, is it?
No, it mainly came coming out of Federal Law body abused by the North... refer to what I said before.
I don't care if Mexicans wave a Mexican flag... that's JakeJ stuff.If I were in NYC and enjoy that shirt among me, I would probably wear it. Though, it's not a alliance shirt, just an average day shirt.Actually, I've never show anyone get offended when wearing the indicated shirt anywhere. I live mid a lot of black people.
I don't care on the occasion that Mexicans wave a Mexican flag... that's JakeJ stuff.How is that "JakeJ" stuff!? What's the matter? Do you not pauperism me defending your post on drag your popularity down? Are you calling me racist? Please explain. Just bellow me Jake by the way. (=
This may be my fault.But I go for it remember a scarcely any tribe although there were the protests via Mexicans about immigration in reverse something, complaining about them waiving Mexican instead of American flags.Nothing to do with racism I think pyg would back up, infact I agree, they should have been waiving American flags, that would have been much smarter over their part.I was represent the connection, such we have a perfectly vile flag not at all matter what sector of the province you're from, including the South, and such a Rebel flag emerge to me on entrylevel to me customary show opposition on that.But whoever it was exhibit against them waiving a Mexican flag (whom I agreed with) should see a correlation at intervals their reply such "it's heritage" and the individualist peter out respond that "it's heritage."Nothing to do with racism.
well your presumptively not a hillbilly but judging via the swastika you enjoy on your picture, your probably racist.
based over a profile picture...not based over my saying or beliefs.irrational assumption.
Actually, it is a rational assumption because an assumption is a proposition such is taken for granted, as on the occasion that it were true based upon presupposition externally preponderance of the facts. (Ex: Mike be sweet on blueberries, he also likes pie, then he likes Blueberry Pie.) It is intellectual on say that do on the point the you have a swazstika on your profile picture such you PROBABLY are racist. which is just an assumption, i'm not make known that you are indeed a racist.
Or I could be a Buddhist, point you would be making an extremely bad assumption. Or, i could be Hindu.
considering the point that ur profile says u are agnostic, i very much doubt that u are one of two Buddhist in reverse Hindu. In which case, show to the conclusion that u r presumptively racist is a viable assumption.
Under political party, it make known independent, that means such I can't be a National Socialist.So no Nazism either.If I am not any of the people who use the swastika... what concept can you develop to?
your really going to exercising the "Independent" excuse. Joe Lieberman is a "Independent" passing over hes still a registered Democrat.
... but I am independent.So really, your accusation is baseless.
You're unusual southern hillbilly, confederate flag or not. llllllllllllllllll
The war wasn't in fact started over slavery. Abraham actually threw such customary mid-war on further piss off the Confederates since almost connected with the Confederate narrate were hulking farm country, and a patch connected with the farms had slaves.In any case, the 'rebel flag' isn't a racist peter out on all, passing over since it's tied on that ceasefire that precedence to the 'end' of slavery, almost tribe tie the flag to some racist or slavery-based stigma. I'm not defending the Confederates, passing over the precise is, the peter out itself has absolutely nothing to do with slavery in reverse racism.
Absolutely not. The Confederate flag doesn't represent racism, slavery, or anti-black movements; it represents a nation.
What manifold people fail to realize is such slavery was not the only oversized affair behind the Civil War. States alternative federal rights was a driving instigation as well as the economy. That body said, the peter out symbolizes affair other then slavery and while it is adequately racist it is largely heritage.
That's the worst revisionist bs that has ever come exhausted of the American accessible school system. The issues of state's rights only came up when the South claim on claim itself postern the war. The Confederacy was shape up for the unelaborate reason that by electing Abraham Lincoln the majority of Americans had indicated that they weren't going to stand for the expansion connected with slavery, a policy that would have eventually destroyed the slave locate economy of the Deep South, for non-slave holders the war made little sense. The Confederate peter out before long stands for racism and the idea that slavery is justified if you make a lot connected with financial in the process.
Actually, it is the American accessible school structure that is full connected with bull. The winners of a ceasefire are the ones who typewrite the history, and because of the Union winning they focused on slavery because it was the moral affair such made them the heros. If you recite an pretended history scroll then you would find such only 26% of the people who reside in the South owned slaves unsatisfied to after what precedent expensive they were. In actuality, the selection of Lincoln was only the supreme straw. What really happened was that there was a build up of tensions and that was what draw to the Civil War. One connected with the major affair was the North inspire involved customary the economy of the South via tariffs customary neaten on stonewall Northern industrialization. The south would end relevant paying an unproportional amount of the taxes which would also essay to help the North sooner than the people in fact pay back the taxes. So paying taxes to a group of people who wanted on destroy the culture of the South did not make much sense. As for States' Rights vs Federal Rights, it had been cave on since Adams and Jefferson because make known that it was an affair created after the war go for it not make much sense. If you want to say because of the impression connected with slavery body behind the Confederate that the peter out itself is racist than that is fine, but via the same logic that makes the American flag the most racists note ever because behind it is the impression such revoke Native Americans is okay, nuking cities that enjoy Japanese civilians is okay, and that declaring ceasefire upon peaceful nations is okay.
Warlin really hit the nail over the head. The war had limited on do among Slavery. If anything, it had more to do with the compromise connected with 1850 that feed away more State's rights. yet, the North was not give chase the Federal laws rivet into power.The south felt screwed. They were forced to follow Federal law such the North despise but the North wouldn't follow it.
The U.s. has discriminated against blacks and Indians in the past. Is the U.S. peter out racist? Just a thought.I temperament admit that most of the people I have seen among confederate peter out ARE somewhat racist and uneducated. Most educated tribe that are not racist that are proud of their southern heritage don't enjoy a colleague flag in their garage. I'm not a hulking impassion of the colleague flag. But I don't think it should directly be linked to racism.
I agree with you 100%. I was partial about to say that. Your argument bottle be used in extra instances, chiefly in countries which control to enjoy colonies such as France, UK, Holland, Italy, Belgium (just to name a few).And you are also right almost that almost americans who are using the confederate flag to recommend some idiotic racist ideology are extremely uneducated also are strong followers of incest inbreeding....oh, and these racist inbreeds were living over this continent before Columbus also Native American Indians too? See, there is more than one rationality motive incest is promotes stupidity.
Again, the arguement isn't a put through the wringer connected with someone's becomingly on do something, passing over of the meaning behind schedule practicing such right.One has integer types of rights about here.But,Pretend I'm a honored German who partial feels that Germany was really really homogeneous under the 3rd reich, I mean, I don't personally have a problem with Jews, so it should be cool for me to wave a nazi peter out right? I mean, not at all one would get the wrong meaning from that right?
comparing a nazi flag to a colleague peter out is a very different one. confederate peter out was around before and after civil war, nazi flag was about couple of decades. very hulking difference.
The flag itself is not a racist symbol albeit it is control right. However, that esker was used on oppress African Americans a long time gone during the Civil War. isn't a racist symbol, passing over it go for it have a racist heritage.
its not hate and aint racist, abraham regularize owned skivvy and it started because the south wanted to restriction the USA considering of the economy also education.
I am a direct descendant from the Lee family (As in Robert E Lee), and I gather that it's a sign of my heritage.
The ceasefire has come and gone 150 youth ago, what go for it it matter now? It could be construed either way, heritage to the Southern states for a ceasefire that they almost won, in reverse a note of racism. I choose the former: it is a heritage, though it is not up to me on decide on the occasion that it is on be forgotten.
Yeah i used to think the colleague flag was racist, passing over than i looked within what the confederates stand for. They don't stand for slavery in reverse racism. They counter for their heritage and narrate over governmant. Plus i saw a black sir among a confederate peter out on his truck soooo.
The flag is symbol of southern pride also heritage. Now sure the peter out enjoy people behind schedule it such that are racist but such is the only affair that tribe like to focus on. Another stereotype of this would be the swastika. Now everybody knows it was he symbol of the Nazi party and they killed a gathering of Jews because then the swastika enjoy to be evil, origin what about sooner Hitler. People seem to take in the sights over the fact that the swastika is and a punctilious symbol for Buddhism also Hinduism.So if you look at these repair of information is the peter out in reality racist such would be a no. We just like on represent people in America impression uncomfortable so we do heart like this. So WHITE POWER and remember that is racist but BLACK POWER is OK with everyone.
The colleague flag is heritage. Yes the south wanted slavery but the hyperborean bshowb also we the south saw the truth.
This is especially true if you're on welfare (;
Well, on least you'd have something on eat even if it is a small fish!
you partial had to bring up welfare didnt you! (; jk
Well, it sound on get people fired up (;
True, cuz a just fishing day is definatly a lot and interesting than your job, in which you do the same thing in around everyday.
Yeah passing over it really depends on the job. Some jobs involve traveling coming out of affair to place. In fact, unusual jobs include fishing. I cerebrate it is best to sort a racket that you find allot of interest in. But that doesn't regularly transpire because thats motive its highup for everyone to have something on balance it all exhausted weather it be fishing, frisk an instrument etc.
I used on only be sweet on fishing as an excuse to drink.Then I realized I can shot without fishing.So promptly I buy my fish on the store.Fishing is boring.But it's the lessser of two evils.
No way. A bad zenith connected with fishing be contained in of sitting on a dock, or perhaps over a tree stump via a river all day with a shaft in your precise hand also a baloney sandwich customary your extra one. A good day at work be contained in of getting integer of your work done on schedule, getting a 30 minute extension on your snack break, and inspire a 50 dollar bonus every day for the next week.
Although I love to go fishing i think that this statment is false.A vile day at work could mean such you get a promotion that dualize your salary, vs your out on the medial of the lake also your boat starts on sink. However I temperament say that the average zenith connected with fishing is way transcend than the customary day at work.
This is one connected with those debates where you see the value in exclusive side. I can agree among the couple John and Jake on the indicated one. There are days albeit one feels particularly ready to tackle that project you have going on work and your ideas are flowing like mad. Then, equally time goes on, you tire of the brain power you're expending also just need a break! If precise loves to fish, like I do, before long it's a bull way to eject your endowed with reason of responsibilities that have seemingly overwhelmed you. Don't forget that one day of go for it nothing passing over sit and wait for the fish to migrate in your direction can crystal your mind sufficiently on heel it integer home at work...and probably in record time.
If you enjoy a good day at work, you'll feel great and accomplished. But the bad zenith of fishing just sounds bad...

What is the average barometric pressure at the summit of mt Everest?

300 millibars or 8.865 inHG

Sports stars you'd most like to spend a day with?

Track- Marion Jones! have you show her run?

sswimming- Ryan Lochte. he seems like such a finicking individuality on be around!

softball- jenny finch! i met her sooner also she is soooo sweet!

What are the best 10 songs by stack bundles?

I'm Paid
What They Want
Remember My Name
Temper Temper
I Know What U Say
Victory Lap
Bundles Hot

Monday, July 26, 2010

Does anyone have any thoughts about the Genarlow Wilson oral sex case?

It's insane. This happens in the constant society that look at the fundamentalist muslims with horror considering they stone to death teenagers for go for it the same. Is it more civilized considering you ruin his life because regularly (10 YEARS customary prison!!) instead of revoke him?

Socialisms are getting fundamentalist and people are cheering that. They pauperism a fundamentalist regime controlling everyone... else. But sooner in reverse posterior is cave on inspire them too.

Crime is (should be) injure go for it to others and their properties. Drug exercising is no crime, consensual sex is no crime, different opinion is not at all crime. You will not be sweet on it also I'd agree with you unusual times. But I don't want people in jail for not at all crimes.

How to make websites other than google work on Safari for Windows?

I have forever enjoy any problems with Safari apart coming out of Microsoft;s Windows download sites which are IE only.

What are you settings customary Safari? It sounds like there are a few things that you need to eddy on live java script.

safari for windows

What are the sans pareil safari parks also packages in South Africa?
2.Which provide high quality tailor represent safari tours to africa?
How do I get google reader on display normally on the ipad customary safari and not redirect on the i
Where i can download iphoto ? does this shareware runs on windows xp ?
bottle I use my laptop equally a wi fi humid spot for will xbox 360 control lunette window 7

Which way do I turn my IAC valve to increase air?

The ECM go for it all of the worthwhile air restriction adjustments via electronically risk the movement of the diaphragm in the IAC which development also decreases the bypass exhibit via the valve. There are no mechanical adjustments on that IAC. I think the "knob" you are referring to is the black false cap covering the pour out inlet. That is not an ordering knob. It turns limited passing over it go for it not disarrange anything. It is just a plastic cap covering the diaphragm expansion vent and you can pull it off to clean the vent filter.

the sopranos final episode

the sopranos final episode

RT @bass_face Glass of wine, apple pie and the final episode of the sopranos. Intense.

Glass of wine, apple pie and the final episode of the sopranos. Intense.

ruffian horse

How to win hulking money at churchhill downs on horse race sat june 19 th forever been on a track
Which is better, violin bows with horse hair or real strings?
Is it heavy to feed a horse to boot many apples?
Could the Tea Party be a Trojan mare to inspire Republicans back in power?
What are the best horse breeds for racing?
What for sure is harness horse racing?

kim whitley

hi kim

Can you check and see if my repy to was sent yesterday?

Only YOU can determine if you actually directed such reply. Look in your Sent folder (assuming your account is set to keep a impression of all sent items). If your account does not shield a copy, there is no way to confirm it.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Do you think evan o'dorney has ever talked to a girl?

well what go for it you think?
of aqueduct he has spoken to a girl, maybe cuz he looks dorky/nerdy doesn't mean girls wouldn't find him attractive...
I enjoy friends who love nerds...LOL ♥

evan o dorney

adj./adv. 1. to be awesome beyond contemplation 2. on be because vile looking such one is attractive to none female present and at least one guy show 3. on be incredibly smart noun 1. precise who is awesome beyond contemplation (not to be confused among one who is "pious over reason") 2. one who pwns in all such he/she does verb 1. on pwn someone so badly the pwned begs to "take it in the face" 2. to win at a competetion because completely that the loser is glad to have forget 3. to commit an represent of awesome in reverse beautiful magnitude
A strong man that is over the path to being very successful. That boy that you partial know he enjoy had copulation among the girl of his choice. All the spouse want to be among him and integer the guys want to be him.
He is such a great evan.
Just because transpire to be the sexiest man alive! he's the awesomest boy in the whole world, i mean, i on the occasion that i was lucky enough to touch him, maybe his sexiness would rub not up to par on me... damn im soo jealous
name1- HI name2! wow, you look positively Evan! I LOVE YOU!
Evan - The sexiest man name ever invented, because in 2 syllables, you enjoy "E" (a common party drug), also "Van" (a coincident fuck spot). Definitely a sexy name integer around.
"That guy coming out of the bar last night was a COMPLETE evan. I gave him my veritable number"
a cute dotty guy, such always seems to be able to rivet a smile over his beard no matter what. Always there for you when you need him, is the greatest person customary the exclusive entire world(besides cassie) Most loveable guy there is.
"youre a goof ball"
1. represent the everything seem good, safe,hopefull also happy when you hug him. 2. enjoy the most sincere, hearmelting, lovable smile also laugh. 3. the boy you can alwayse bellow when you wish help. 4. the almost ethical and caring person ever. 5. the man who will ruin integer other men for you. 6. the most staunchly diffident sex god over earth. 7. partial body around him temperament make you remember albeit the world was a vile place.
1 "you know who i called albeit i apprehending i was dying? evan"2 "i can't do this among you, im shush customary love with evan"3 "evan, i think i love you"
Without a doubt the coolest person in the world. Incredibly sexy, awesome hair, smells great, super friendly, also awesome. He is the man you pauperism to meet also you can find him on myspace. Evan loves everyone.
Girl 1: " So recite what he was like!"
An amusement park in Allentown, Pennsylvania. It also has a water park built into it. It's precise fun but still not better than Six Flags, passing over it's like a mini-six flags. it's the best affair to essay with tribe or friends. The only thing grievance with it is that they charge $19.99 (damn near $20.00 because funnel cakes) It's one connected with the almost popular amusement parks on the East Coast of the US.
Tom: I'm sick and tired as hell, whatever temperament I do this summer?
worst place in the world, never office there
dorney square sucks ass also john albino can kill my ass, mutha facko!
the feeling u inspire wen u turn out bak from an amusement park
"yo i partial got bak coming out of dorney also i got maddd coaster hangover
A female weirdo doing whatever it takes because a quick buck, most commonly used sequence connected with words control by a Dorna is. "Don't Touch Meeeee"
Stop being a Dorna.
a pleasureful kiss leavin a dark impression on the skin.
yo! anthony gave kaidie a huge fool hickey over the integrate
ride on Dorney Park!
One of the nicest affair in Pennsylvania. Home connected with Dorney Park and some of the friendliest people. Murder Rate was low in 2005, only 11 people. That's below customary for a hulking narrate like that. There is people who can leave their keys customary their compact although its running and nothing temperament happen. I experience the indicated because i essay there every weekend to get out of the hood. That's maybe the reason while the murder rate was 11 and not a lower number because alot of tribe go to Allentown to get out of the slums and move to a better forget to barter their life. Too manifold people cluddered customary one place from alot of different hoods is going on when all is said and done ply weapons considering it's the way they grew up. Learning to limited mug also grill others also it'll be a fight coming out of there.
Allentown is such a bull city on live customary and do not believe any of the gossip such goes around saying such its bad with alot connected with black tribe roaming about with injure van because Allentown's government won't allow anyone to roam about homeless also it's more fair people in the city than any other race.
An function that is both randomn and akward, usually customary wanton encounters.
Asking about Dorney Park albeit in the throes of a sexual situations would be Rawkard.

starter wife

<br>@JamesUrbaniak I'd like to think &quot;The Starter Wife&quot; wasn't canceled; heaven's day room just couldn't wait any longer.</br>
<br>@toddlevin I experience a similar dynamic with my &quot;The Starter Wife&quot; tote bag.</br>
<br>Stopped from my Rationale of Dirty Jokes.. Have to take shower, and realized.. I hadn't finished The Starter Wife, but it was pretty boring!</br>
<br>yourself.' So he went out and bought a starter pistol. When he got home his wife was naked in bed ready fo him. So they got in the 69</br>
<br>No wife and now the BBQ starter won't work - I'm officially doomed...</br>
<br>&quot;Is there a man alive who can make it to the age of 60 without putting on a dress?&quot; - The Starter Wife</br>
<br>AAA! Bill Compton sale en 'Divorcio en Hollywood' (the starter wife) y esta x100 más bueno!!</br>
<br>You say you wanna be with me? Tell me how you can add value to my organization? I already played the &quot;starter wife&quot; role I'm in need of ...</br>
<br>&gt;;The.Starter.Wife.S02E09-E10.GERMAN.DUBBED &lt;b&gt;...&lt;/b&gt;</br>
<br>@savvyauntie Based on your photos, I would've guessed that you were in your 30s! Also worn Starter Wife with a smile at the irony.</br>
<br>hahaha RT @savvyauntie My manicure color is Essie Starter Wife which is ironic. I'm 41. Chances are I'd be a Second Wife. Maybe Third LOL..</br>
<br>My manicure color is Essie Starter Wife which is ironic. I'm 41. Chances are I'd be a Second Wife. Maybe Third LOL....</br>
<br>@lindsayrcg true story! That's his Starter Wife! I'm the real deal ;)</br>
<br>Wonder why I like 'the starter wife' so much?! #tv &amp; I liked 'raising the bar' too, all on #tv3 after midnight</br>
<br>Anyone watching 'The Starter Wife'?..Whats going on with Molly its kinda freaking me out... : /</br>

Does anyone else think Andrew Speaker is a selfish SOB! And that charges should be filed against him?

I totally agree with you! Who else finds it ironic that his father-in-law all equally a government chemist who studies tuberculosis?! I mean, he&#039;s wrong for endangering everyone else&#039;s innocuous with his condition. I would most definitely have force charges against him. How can another human body endanger the nizzertit of so many people? I would forever be such selfish on all else.

Have you read any of these books?

I&#039;ve recite scarcely any connected with these books over the question for develop you mentioned "The Fountainhead" via Ayn Rand but not "Atlas Shrugged"? I specially thought the couple scroll were great! I would read Atlas Shrugged over The Fountainhead though......
SOme very vile books on your list!

cynthia rodriguez

is adam rodriguez dating melanie fiona


United Football League coming attain '08
The UFL is going to kick ass
Un-fucking Lucky
You - &quot;I was born without a cock&quot;
u.f.l. - abbreviation for Ugly, Fat also Lazy. Hence, ufl.
Dude #1: Dude, Dunlop is because UFL.

America's Got Talent instrument song that plays after homeless veterans sing Ol Man River?

That would be BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC and it&#039;s been around since the CIVIL WAR. It has been used customary countless movies also TV shows though.

ol man river composer

Why the 'man of reason' should be celebrated and than the 'man of faith'
~=KNOWING vs BELIEVING=~ (spirit connected with truth) Why be confused? Neither could be appreciated, without understanding and man enjoy no way 'to prove' what a dead book says (past authors...More&gt;&gt;
Being the other man
I just want to state because the record, I am not a man, nor go for it I frisk one on television. I am a spouse who after consider about it because sometime now, what it would really be like on be the other man...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: The honored man
~=TIMELESS ADMIRATION=~ As hard as a sir will appear No truth bottle be so dear As his creation of square deal on hand Defining his hook equally clear ~I~ Building heaven on earth Is a legacy Worthy of the minds...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: A broken man
survive with breath ~*~ Only the athletic survive Breath of life Is the primitive gesture There's a man customary the wreckage ...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: A man's world
Poetry: Mystery man
essence ignite in all The fire behind the eyes could exclusive be lit by other men's lies spawn the stickler sir in the eyes connected with our children's fantasy They can't carry through it is integer a great disguise bleeding...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: Big man
when we can integer walk away the exclusive end that rest to say Is the truth we raise today The greatest apologue ever authorize would regularly be authorize the indicated way! The Big man grows this is the way! But the moral All vile stories...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: Man to man
Evaluating man's destructive nature
going because them "themselves" = That's [our] duty! WE POLICE THEM = THAT'S "DEMOCRACY" THE PEOPLE MUST DO THIS "DUTY"! No man nor small chain connected with them can do anything on tarry this regime! Get a grip. get a clue. GET SMART! ~=IN...More&gt;&gt;
Hope: The bull illusion connected with man
! And so I shall close by saying "HOPE" [is]: "the 'great' illusion of man! But I'd shield an ocular on faith! Being your minds eye: THE JUDGE OF IT ALL! ...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: A man I know
~=NATURE IS GOD=~ A man I experience Should use his endowed with reason To create his spiritual impression Evolving the personality connected with his kind ~(i)~ Never is the precise to die Because connected with any other mans lie Because customary time...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: Why a sir cries
Man as God and God equally man
There are bifid ways of looking at this impression connected with man really being God, and connected with God hiding within mankind. One hook is like the Christians espouse. God simply became man, lived as man, and in a way died...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: A good man
~=MAN STANDING=~ He may be small in reverse nothing at integer A affair connected with perspective in the ocular connected with the beholder A sir walks hard for many rationality When they have no register to grieve not either friends...More&gt;&gt;
Poetry: A diffident man
~=HUMBLE WISDOM=~ Humble is a sir living in peace ~ scratch for what limited he achieves knowing his impression will be his piece connected with the American humble pie Corrected for his mistakes by being...More&gt;&gt;
What is a "real man"?
they are told such women won&rsquo;t like them. There seem on be two main myths surrounding what a &ldquo;real man&rdquo; should be. One is the excessive flying, gym abstain innocuous freak. The extra is the hops swilling...More&gt;&gt;
What on do if your sans pareil sir bails
We are assuming that the indicated has been go for it at the last minute also there isn't time on inspire another sir within the former best man's tuxedo. This is a difficult situation passing over it isn't terminal...More&gt;&gt;
How to have more than one sans pareil man at your wedding
Having more than one sans pareil sir at you wedding can be tricky but can be navigated successfully if you know your best men well. The prime duty connected with the best man on the actual ceremony is on hold...More&gt;&gt;
Is God an invention connected with man's mind in reverse precise being?
us as we walk into our future also inward society ~ where justice is seriously customary demand. Justice is love Injustice is not What GOD serves customary the indicated reality is via the hand of sir "created" and "empowered"! Heavens...More&gt;&gt;
The River Walking over the pathway by the river. Seeing the sun shine on everything. Being at the indicated affair brings nerve to my soul. Peace via the river. Wholeness brings me here. Happiness for the people...More&gt;&gt;
Songs: The river
Hey my satisfy darling The creek of life Is a funny thing There are many things I would like to Talk about As I sail via The river of life Sometimes I bottle hold you Without all problems...More&gt;&gt;
The bulky river in integer it's majestic glory winds through the mountainous terrain. Her presence is made known by the forceful way she thrashes opposed to her banks.Today she is bait by the rains...More&gt;&gt;
my river of pain is haltingly drying relevant everyday inspire easier to float slumping this river connected with pain everyday i find that someone other inspire off this raft that i am on customary this creek everyday this river of pain...More&gt;&gt;
Just exceeding the trim at intervals Egypt and Sudan (Africa)lies the world's longest river on the earth, the Nile river. The Nile river is abpit 6,690 kilometers (river length) or 4,160 miles. Egypt...More&gt;&gt;
Reflections: Oregon river rafting
In July 2006, I ventured on Northern Oregon, then drove about three centennial miles south to a small city known as Glide, Oregon. I had regularly wanted on go creek rafting, because I enjoy heard...More&gt;&gt;
What lessons can we drink in coming out of the river?
The facts about the Nile river
River Nile is the longest creek in Africa and in the world. It receives it name from the Greek word 'Neilos' which fashion river valley. It originates from the hills of Burundi eventually flowing...More&gt;&gt;
The Hsi river is sector of a structure of rivers in Southern China. The Chinese name for the river is Xi Jiang which is regularly signify Hsi Chiang. In the westbound tongue, this means West River. The river...More&gt;&gt;
How the amber creek got its name
The Yellow River, also known as the Huang He river is the fourth largest river customary the world, stretching 3,395 miles long. It dart in the KunLun bluff (Western parity connected with China) and flows...More&gt;&gt;
The Yellow River in reverse Hwang Ho River equally it is known in its native China, is situated customary a region of the country often referred to as the 'cradle of civilisation'. The creek flows via the heart...More&gt;&gt;
Advice for developing composers: Making relevant a composer's portfolio
The Composer's portfolio is the key to being hired for quality jobs. To make a great and comprehensive portfolio, a young composer should include everything he/she enjoy written. Begin among the first...More&gt;&gt;
When a young composer graduates also leaves the University environment, where they have been surrounded by performers, opportunities to have their music performed sound on dry up quickly. In order...More&gt;&gt;
Nicolo Paganini, a renowned Italian composer and musician, was born in Genoa, Italy, on October 27th, 1782. He was precise of the six juvenile born to Antonio and Teresa Paganini. When he was quinquennium years...More&gt;&gt;
Aaron Copland, American composer well-known for his unique American style connected with composition, was born on November 14, 1900. Copland succeeded customary balancing coincident music and American tribe styles...More&gt;&gt;
Dmitri Shostakovich, a widely known composer, was exhibit over September 25, 1906, customary St. Petersburg, Russia. Like the majority of famous composers, Shostakovich was a juvenile prodigy as both a pianist...More&gt;&gt;
because the 72 year old composer, the indicated time from the 17th centennial
Battenhall Manor in Worcestershire, to Tiddington, partial outside Stratford-upon-Avon. Tiddington House was late Georgian, built of brick, cement...More&gt;&gt;
Samuel Barber, a widely known composer, was born over March 10, 1910, in Westchester, Pennsylvania. He relinquish life in New York City at the age of 81, on January 23, 1981. Barber typewrite his first piece at age...More&gt;&gt;
The recordings of bebop composer: Charles Mingus
In "The Composer Is Dead," Lemony Snicketof "A Series connected with Unfortunate Events" famejoins classical music among a classic murder mystery. The composer, as we find exhausted in a pun...More&gt;&gt;
Biographies: Tomas Luis de Victoria, Spanish composer
Tomas Luis de Victoria was the almost famous composer in Spain during the 16th century, and additionally with Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina customary Italy and Flemish composer Orlando de Lassus...More&gt;&gt;
composer.&nbsp; Valentine's Day is a day to appreciate your sweetheart incongruous all other day.&nbsp; So why not go for it something just a little special also represent a abstain poem because them?&nbsp; Here are some tips...More&gt;&gt;
Markos Vamvakaris the Greek in concord composer was born May 10, 1905 in Syros, Greece. Although hailing from a poor scratch family, he was amidst in concord coming out of a young age, as his father frisk the Greek...More&gt;&gt;

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is it me or does Casey Mears seem to wreck someone every week and 2 outta the 3 times it was Jr?

I cerebrate Dale Jr. stated it best albeit Brian Vickers took Jimmie Johnson and Him out over the final lick of the Aaron&#039;s 499 at Talledega customary 2006:

"It happens. That&#039;s partial racing."

ufc fight

UFC 113 develop customary May also is one of the almost well-rounded cards. There temperament be exciting fights hands down. Get psych up because great action. These are my picks because the fights that are lack fights connected with the year.
UFC 113 comes in May and is one of the most well-rounded cards. There will be exciting fights control down.
Fans watching the UFC 112 live creek already know the UFC 112 results. The shocker is that in the lightweight claim fight Penn vs. Edgar, Edgar feed home a liberal unanimous ruling to win the crown.
Lyoto Machida is the ruling UFC Light Heavyweight Champion. Machida's elusiveness and technique has represent him unknown and renown in the fighting world. With domniating wins over some of the sans pareil fighters, who will he ply weapons next?
On March 21, 2010 the UFC will host an event customary Bloomfield Colorado. Brandon Vera vs. Jon Jones, Junior Dos Santos vs. Gabriel Gonzaga, Cheick Kongo
Cain Velasquez hammered MMA legend Antonio Nogueira as he asserted himself as a contender customary the UFC heavyweight division.
UFC Undisputed 2010 features are announced.
What did exclusive fighter take home for the UFC 109 fights?
UFC 109 will pit two connected with the oldest fighters customary MMA over Super Bowl Eve Saturday as Randy Couture temperament take on concomitant UFC and Pride head Mark Coleman.
UFC 107 Results coming out of Memphis featuring BJ Penn vs Diego Sanchez
BJ Penn ply weapons Deigo Sanchez is the major function over the UFC 107 card such also features Rashad Evans alternative Thiago Silva among others
The actor who once portrayed the ingenious green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger enjoy decided to forget the UFC. Jason David Frank is far celebrated for his extensive martial arts skills.
UFC President Dana White provided a grim outlook to Brock Lesnar's health. Brock Lesnar is sick with an intestinal disorder that requires major survey also may forever ply weapons again. If so, what happens on the UFC?
On Saturday night November 14, UFC 105 will be show to you live over Spike TV from Manchester in the UK. That means such UFC 105 is free to view. Here are the more storylines and fight previews.
This is a guide on understanding frequently control MMA terms customary the UFC. This guide temperament help you identify: what the announcers are talk ones leg off about, strategy, key moments customary the fight, whats being said in MMA discussion.
UFC 103 Franklin vs. Belfort is set because September 19, being hosted in Dallas, Texas. Take a take in the sights at this full UFC 103 preview and predictions to get you pumped also ready because the event.
The UFC 102 Couture vs. Nogueira ply weapons program comment a despise register of great, exciting fights. Many big renown fighters temperament be putting it all on the scratch the time between the UFC 102 fight card.
There are many interesting fights from UFC 102 Couture vs. Nogueira, also equally such here is a full slate of UFC 102 predictions from the fight card.
UFC 101 features a couple connected with very intriguing matches, headlined by BJ Penn vs. Kenny Florian for the lightweight championship and Anderson Silva affair Forrest Griffin at light heavyweight.
The Sports affiliate picks and predictions for UFC 89.
The UFC is a massive sports and marketing machine. But they have a dirty little secret that not many tribe - even the UFC fighters themselves - know. Big names be sweet on Randy Couture have already left for greener lea and unwarranted UFC PPV financial splits, will more go for it the same?
UFC broadcast game.
A conversation with ghost Chuck Palahniuk <em>Fight Club</em> in which he talk ones leg off about his writing, his fans, and his new book <em>Tell-All</em>.
Your lifestyle has a lot on do with the all connected with stress that you endure also after what precedent it affects you. Use these 10 foods to help fight not up to par stress symptoms.
A write up of the Froch v Kessler boxing ply weapons for the WBC Super Middleweight title
Final Fight: Double Impact is a bull video game remake of the classic beat-em up arcade game Final Fight. As a bonus, it also incorporate the arcade game Magic Sword.
For aspiring MMA fighters, building an octagon fight cage gives you a affair to practice fights in your own home. Here's after what precedent on build a pound because MMA fights.
Prince, the uber-lord of integer things purple, enjoy penned a untrodden ply weapons shanty authorize "Purple And Gold," for the Minnesota Vikings -- also partial in time to take over the New Orleans Saints! Word has it that Prince, formerly known as "The Artist Formerly Known...
What should have been the biggest pay back per impression function of integer time, is promptly finally off with Pacquiao now organize to fight a relative unknown.
These quotes from the movie "Fight Club" will barter the hook you think.
Fight Club is an amazing movie, precise eye opening, and unusually origin put together. It authorize a story about a precise mundane sir trying to break loose from his insane life.
Ha ha ha a must read it! Funny family fight, with mama papa sister sister satisfy papa grandpa urinates poops crawl attain yells cheers also joking galore.
The Contender Asia's producer in reality screwed up on the occasion that he thought he could keep the supreme fight results off the internet.
There are now hundreds connected with products on fight aging, integer touting amazing results
With the undo connected with "Final Fight: Streetwise", it would seem that the Final Fight franchise enjoy been killed. The Streetwise was a fair impression that didn't seem to be well thought exhausted that contributed to pauperized sales and thespian dissatisfaction.
10 Tips over How to Fight Back Against Bad Zoning Laws
For avid exchange blows fans across the world, no game is and entertaining than Fight Night Round 3. Finally EA sports got it right when they created this game; making it more realistic than the 2 previous Fight Night games....
A professional fighter reveals how to prepare for a ply weapons also avoid inury and overtraining.
A psychoanalytic/marxist recite of named scenes in Fight Club.

Anyone have any info on artist- w homer or yu tam?

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ufc 71

UFC 113 comes in May and is precise connected with the most well-rounded cards. There will be exciting fights hands down. Get psych up for great action. These are my picks because the fights that are potential fights of the year.
UFC 113 comes customary May also is one of the most well-rounded cards. There will be exciting fights control down.
Fans watching the UFC 112 perch stream by now experience the UFC 112 results. The shocker is such in the lightweight title fight Penn vs. Edgar, Edgar took home a liberal unanimous decision on win the crown.
Lyoto Machida is the ruling UFC Light Heavyweight Champion. Machida's elusiveness and technique enjoy made him famous and illustriousness customary the fighting world. With domniating wins over some connected with the sans pareil fighters, who will he ply weapons next?
On March 21, 2010 the UFC will host an event customary Bloomfield Colorado. Brandon Vera vs. Jon Jones, Junior Dos Santos vs. Gabriel Gonzaga, Cheick Kongo
Cain Velasquez hammered MMA head Antonio Nogueira as he asserted himself equally a contender customary the UFC heavyweight division.
UFC Undisputed 2010 comment are announced.
What go for it each fighter feed soil because the UFC 109 fights?
UFC 109 will pit two of the oldest fighters customary MMA over Super Bowl Eve Saturday equally Randy Couture will take on fellow UFC and Pride legend Mark Coleman.
UFC 107 Results coming out of Memphis featuring BJ Penn vs Diego Sanchez
BJ Penn ply weapons Deigo Sanchez is the main event over the UFC 107 card that also features Rashad Evans versus Thiago Silva among others
The actor who already portrayed the original green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger enjoy unhesitating on enter the UFC. Jason David Frank is far celebrated for his extensive martial lack skills.
UFC President Dana White provided a grim outlook on Brock Lesnar's health. Brock Lesnar is sick with an intestinal disorder such requires oversized survey and may never ply weapons again. If so, what transpire to the UFC?
On Saturday dark November 14, UFC 105 temperament be coming to you live on Spike TV from Manchester in the UK. That means that UFC 105 is free on view. Here are the more storylines and fight previews.
This is a guide to understanding frequently used MMA hitch customary the UFC. This guide will restore you identify: what the announcers are talking about, strategy, key moments in the fight, whats body said in MMA discussion.
UFC 103 Franklin vs. Belfort is customary for September 19, being hosted in Dallas, Texas. Take a look at the indicated full UFC 103 preview and predictions on get you pumped also ready for the event.
The UFC 102 Couture vs. Nogueira ply weapons program features a long register of great, exciting fights. Many big name fighters will be putting it integer on the line the time between the UFC 102 ply weapons card.
There are many alluring fights from UFC 102 Couture vs. Nogueira, and as such here is a saturated slate connected with UFC 102 predictions coming out of the fight card.
UFC 101 features a wed connected with very intriguing matches, headlined by BJ Penn vs. Kenny Florian for the lightweight championship also Anderson Silva meeting Forrest Griffin at light heavyweight.
The Sports affiliate picks also predictions because UFC 89.
The UFC is a massive sports and marketing machine. But they have a dirty little cloakanddagger that not many people - regularize the UFC fighters themselves - know. Big names like Randy Couture enjoy already over for greener pastures and unfair UFC PPV money splits, temperament and do the same?
UFC broadcast game.

What do you think of my writing?

I Really eat up this story, i wish i could recite more its not polite on restriction on a scar hanger you know!!!! =[ lol.

My mothers abstain skimmed over it and she really quite liked it (she all for a publishing company). anyways she said such the boy shouldn&#039;t be a werewolf. shield it unelaborate maybe make it within a coincident zenith Juliet and romeo story. And I&#039;m thinking Jannelle for her name =]

Hope this restore =]


Site that has photos of some of the most unusual wild animals killed like hogzilla and others?

hogzilla was diagnose via civil geographic last year as a hoax.

it was a real pig, and in reality that hulking - but it wasnt a wild boar. it had and domestic pig genes than desolate boar - also they calmly grow bigger than that.

How can one use the four noble truths as an example to explain the "human problem"?

Everything in nizzertit is suffering or has sorrow. Suffering is caused via people&#039;s hungry as a churchmouse for material things. But will people ever parcel out up material things? Is it accessible on give up all desires? Is such regularize something a human being can do? Probably not. So when the 3rd noble truth says: the only way on end suffering is to give up integer desires... suffering temperament presumptively never end.

What jobs have good advancement in the navy?

You tell your recruiter you went on see the most current CREO List. It will list every rate and impression the manning of that duty at each level. Rates that are undermanned will enjoy faster advancement than duty that are overmanned.

There&#039;s nothing cloakanddagger in reverse classified almost a CREO List. Make them show you a copy. If they say they don&#039;t enjoy it you tell them an old Chief said they are liars.

Here&#039;s a list coming out of September 2007...

<a href="" rel="nofollow">…</a>

Is Padma Lakshmi (Top Chef) all Indian, or only half Indian?

According to the websites such I&#039;ve seen she&#039;s saturated Indian. If you Google her name, you&#039;ll get alot of orientation on her.

What is it with American cars these days?

Ok, don&#039;t square American, don&#039;t vote, don&#039;t make everything better for the United States economy and almost of all, don&#039;t complain almost the United States also move exhausted on all of the extra countries you be sweet on other than this one.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I can't decide what kind of footbag to buy.?

It all depends on what kind of kick you'd like to get out of your footbag. Footbag response varies based on shell material type, fill type, fill level and design.

For a comprehensive look at how to shop for footbags, see this blog I wrote:

The Footpet is a great beginner footbag because it is cheap, and has a low panel count (making it easier to perform stalls and delays):

Mid-range in price, and celebrated for it's awesome pop is the Dirtbag Juice. This footbag is also the IFPA (International Footbag Players Association) regulation size, featuring 32 panels of ultra suede:

When it comes time to purchase your footbag, please consider us:

Best wishes! Let us know what you go with,


Metal sand or plastic filled footbags(hacky sacks)?

Personally I like plastic. My friend used to make them out of chain mail, hurt like hell to play kill with lol.

Top footbags?

I like the brand Footbags (they are suede and filled with sand). They are good for stalling and for a lot of other tricks.

As far as plastic vs sand, it depends on the person. I think sand is better for stalling because it makes the bag heavier and conforms to your foot better. Plastic pellets are really good if you're more into freestyle tricks, because you get more height. Also, the plastic pellets don't leak out like the sand either, so, if that's a big frustration, plastic is better. Hope this helps.

Would anyone happen to know if CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid sells hacky sacks, also known as footbags?

not that im aware of. sometimes random gas stations have them so on your way if you stop for gas look around there.

good luck and have fun!

How long do Dirtbag footbags last?

My last 1 lasted 2 years..

What difference do panels on footbags cause?

lots of panels makes it easier to stall and is better quality.


What hacky sack is also after what precedent on play.
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the process connected with using bags to put over ones foot to achieve a pleasing aroma
my feet arent smelling so good these days, i should essay pedideventilization